PowerSchool serves all types of users, but most are parents, students, and teachers, and each has their own PowerSchool login. Parents and students have different types of accounts, and thus separate logins and separate portals. Parents can view their child's progress and students can also see their grades, attendance, assignments, and more.
PowerSchool logins are granted by schools. Once you have your Access ID and Access Password, you can log in to your child's school.
To login:
1. Open the internet browser on your device.
2. Type in: http://ps.ngps.ca into the address bar
3. Click create account. Complete all the fields including creatingyour own unique username and password. As with other logins and passwords, keep them secure and do not share with anyone else.
4. In the Link to Students Account field, type your Access ID and Access Password for each of your children exactly as they have been given to you by the school. Each child will have their own unique Access ID and Access Password.
5. View the information
6. Remember to log off when you are finished.