Talented Photographer in Grade 8

OJSH has many talented and accomplished students in and out of the classroom.
One of our students has a passion for photography. Kaylee Salter is in Grade 8 at OJSH and already she is showing an amazing talent in photography.
This summer, Kaylee submitted a photograph she took of a porcupine to Lac Ste. Anne County’s annual photo contest. Her photo was judges as one of the winning entries. It became one of a select group of photographs chosen to be in the 2020 county calendar and, additionally, it will be used on the county website. As well, Kaylee received prize money of $100.00. Kaylee's prize-winning photo is in this month's OJSH Newsletter.
Her preference for subject matter is nature, and especially of animals that we often do not see up close and personal! Kaylee is fortunate to live in a rural setting where she can capture just the right shot at the right moment.
Kaylee says photography is her passion. Her talent and artistry in this field are indeed noteworthy at such a young age. Congratulations, Kaylee in successfully pursuing your passions.