OJSH Students attend Welding Competition

Students from nine Edmonton-area high schools, including OJSH, were at the CLAC Member Centre on Saturday, October 26, 2019, for the Wicked Welding competition. This is an annual event sponsored by CLAC Training and the CWB Foundation.
Teams of students from each of the schools spent the day creating Halloween-themed metal sculptures. Teams were evaluated for creativity, use of various cutting and welding processes, teamwork, sportsmanship, safety, and final presentations.
Four OJSH student under the supervision and guidance of their welding teacher Mr. Siemens, participated in the competition. Zakk Goertzen, James (Jay) Bownes, Jace Lalonde and Ethan Livingstone competed against 20 to 30 other students, most of whom were in senior level welding classes at their schools. Three of the OJSH team members are just in Grade 10 and only started MIG welding last week. Zakk, the fourth team member, was the most senior of the team. He was at the competition last year. The team used his design and Zakk took a leadership role in the planning and execution of the design. Considering their youth and inexperience in relation to the other teams, Mr. Siemens was very proud of and impressed with the team’s effort, skill, enthusiasm and performance.
Many valuable door prizes were given out at the end of the competition – Jace won a $600.00 welding helmet!
Congratulations to all the team members for creating a Halloween spider sculpture that not only showed their cutting and welding skills but utilized students’ critical thinking and creative processes.