Survey: Alternate Seat Fee for school bus transportation

Please share your thoughts with us in this short 3-question survey!
Click here to take the three minute survey!
Northern Gateway Public Schools is looking to find out how many parents/guardians are interested in paying for alternate school bus transportation to and/or from school, from a location other than home.
An Alternate Seat Fee option is being explored by the Board of Trustees. The option would cost parents/guardians an Alternate Seat Fee of $350 annually per child. The fee would allow students who ride the school bus to be picked up and/or dropped off from a secondary location (one location other than home such as a child care facility or dayhome).
Please take a moment to let us know if you would be interested in Alternate Seat Transportation service with daily pick up and/or drop off at a secondary location. Your feedback will inform the Board of Trustees going forward.
Survey responses will be accepted until Thursday, June 20.
Thank you for your time!